Rivers LPC wins a Best Practice Award!!

Rivers LPC wins a Best Practice Award for International Womens’ Day 2019
To be recognised for our IWD campaign, means that we have proved that Rivers has what it takes to make Rivers flow into the lives of women, of their families and to forge the shape of the local community.

With Rivers, we have shown that it is possible for women from all different backgrounds to work together to produce a future for others fill with confidence, empowerment and hope.

We aim to continue working with the Rivers inside of women to flow into the larger community. “Out of every woman is a river (life) waiting to flow!”

For International Women’s Day Rivers LPC showcased local women to raise awareness about how their contributions can, like streams or rivers, flow into a bigger and better impact for the local community.

To do this, Rivers LPC connected local women with already established local public services, support services, charities and commercial and voluntary organisations to highlight how collaboration is essential for achieving gender equality.

Rivers LPC’s IWD #BalanceforBetter campaign therefore was run alongside #HerStory to showcase the lived experiences of around thirty women and the impact of their work within the local community. Rivers decided to focus on ordinary women to emphasise that, regardless of background or upbringing, every woman deserves a voice in promoting gender equality in their personal and professional networks.

We would like to especially thank our panel of 4 speakers that helped make the day amazing.

Read more about us on the International Women’s Day 2019 community site

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