Meet our Founder

Jeredyne is the founder of Rivers. She is an innovator with a passion for community initiatives and has founded and championed several such initiatives.

Jeredyne continuously works with organisations to raise awareness of the need for integration of vulnerable women, (who are hidden in plain sight) the hidden unemployed and vulnerable people (men, women and children) from BAME minorities background, into local community established or statutory programmes. She is the lead facilitator for the successful delivery of these programmes.

Jeredyne’s interests also include biblical research-based activities, learning/training opportunities, community groups development and general management of small charities or groups, raising domestic abuse awareness and awareness of factors that contribute to poor mental health.

She is instrumental in championing women only spaces, including learning classes across local community centres, coffee mornings drop-in groups, women hosting and participating in different cultural awareness events, national awareness campaigns such as International Women’s Day, Parliament Week and Get on-line Week.

With the establishment of  Rivers, Jeredyne has set out to empower women through mentoring, delegating and support to take ownership of these projects and projects of their own. She is keen to work with women who need support to grow into what they believe they are meant to be or want to become.

Jeredyne has allowed a small community of  women (volunteers) to utilise their academic, professional or interpersonal skills to help support isolated and vulnerable women within their local area in making positive changes in their lives, as well as owning and belonging to a larger community, they can thrive in.

Prior to the community initiatives, Jeredyne has over twenty years of experience in the financial world; including experience in accounting, regulatory and analytical skills and change management.

Jeredyne is currently championing a campaign to get the community talking about poor mental health and to raise the awareness of these issues among women from Black and Asian backgrounds.

Jeredyne leads from the ethos that ‘Rivers exist for the benefit of the women who are outside of the charity.’

“Out of every woman is a river  (life) waiting to flow”- Jeredyne Stanley

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