Please join us for this free session when you can. Come and make friends and learn new hobbies.
Who is @PRESENCE Coffee Mornings For?
@PRESENCE Coffee Morning is perfect for women who are:
New to the area
Wanting to meet and socialise with women from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds
Looking for volunteering opportunities within the local community
Aims of the group:
- Provide an informal setting where women can discuss (informally) sensitive issues surrounding women’s health and wellbeing (domestic violence, mental health, racism etc.)
- Encourage integration amongst women from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, especially women who have migrated to the area from outside of the UK
- Provide a safe and central location for women to meet and socialise, especially those who are socially isolated and alone
- Increase social skills for women who do not speak English as a first language
- Allows other government / community organisations a chance to come and engage with women (especially from the BME community)
- Allows an opportunity to survey women to find out what other services or facilities could be introduced to make them feel safe within Crawley
When and Where @PRESENCE Coffee Mornings meet:
We meet on Thursday Mornings (term-time only) from 09:15am – 10.45am at
PRESENCE, Bewbush Centre, Dorsten Square, Crawley, RH11 8XW.
One-to-One Meetings:
We also offer one-to-one meetings on other days of the week and these are offered on an appointment only basis. Please e-mail or call us to arrange an appointment.
@PRESENCE Over Summer Holidays:
As the @PRESENCE group only meets during term-time, we will not host the weekly coffee group during late July and August and will resume with the coffee group from early September.